
3 Reasons to Take Part in Animal Conservation Movements

Love animals? Then what better way to show your appreciation than by actively volunteering to save them? Most animals out there are helpless against humans and our technology, and since they cannot fight for themselves it's just right that people step up. (After all, mankind won't be where it is today if it weren't for their existence.)

Participating in animal preservation movements (particular the ones that focus on saving endangered species) is truly one of the most meaningful things that you can do. Whether you're donating your time or your money, you know that your contributions will always go a long way.

Still need convincing? Below are a few good reasons why you should consider volunteering for animals:

Animals help preserve the world's natural balance

Ecosystems and natural food chains are crucial to our survival. There's a certain prey and predator balance that the earth relies on to be able to produce and keep its species alive, and every animal plays a part to keep that balance going.

The food chain works by transferring food and energy from one organism to the next. Organisms at the bottom such as plants are eaten by species on the next level (example: deer). They, in turn are devoured by bigger animals such as wolves and lions, and when those animals die, they decompose and go back to the earth as fertilizers for soil and grass, thus keeping the process going. Taking away one organism in that chain will disrupt the process and cause grave effects for all the creatures involved.

Food chains also keep the balance of things to ensure that the species on Earth are "just right" in terms of numbers and growth. For instance, if frogs or spiders suddenly became instinct, there wouldn't be any animals left to eat flies. This overpopulation of insects can then upset the lives of other organisms (including humans.)

Saving the species can improve medical research and development

Preserving animals can also help advance scientific research and development, particularly in the field of medicine. Scientists use animals in their research to find cures for illnesses such as heart disease or cancer.

This research doesn't just pertain to animal testing, thought. Scientists are constantly discovering new chemicals in plants and animals that can aid their research.

In fact, the US Fish and Wildlife Service stated that over 25% of prescriptions written per year contain substances discovered in plants and animals. Therefore, taking animals out of the equation can disrupt medical research and development and can curtail scientists from finding important cures and solutions.

It preserves the world for future generations

Think of it this way: When you volunteer for wildlife conservation, you aren't just helping the animals; you're actually aiding future generations at the same time. By helping keep the balance in our ecosystem, you are paving the way for your kids and grandchildren to live in a better, more ecologically diverse and beautiful world.

Animal conservation resources

Can't wait to start volunteering? The following websites below are great resources that can point you in the right direction and give you more information about animal preservation: - US Fish and Wildlife Service - Lincoln Park Zoo Website - The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens in Palm Desert, CA - Shambala PreserveWebsite - Wildlife Waystation Website - Nature's Voice (UK) - ZSL London Zoo - World Wildlife Fund - Wildlife Conservation Society - Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens